Sunday, August 30, 2015

Chapter 110 - Another Place?

The entire family is exhausted.  The evening of trick or treating with uncle Matt and his family was just what the family needed. 

 The kids were able to run and play and just be kids.  Jon and Beth were able to trail behind and go un-noticed.  They were able to walk hand in hand with very few cares in the world.  When the kids were done, they were all to happy to take them home and put them to bed.

Once they were all tucked in, after checking in and catching up with Jake, they met in their bedroom.  A low light from Beth's walk in closet illuminated the room just enough so they were able to see one another.  In the center of the room, they met - face to face.  Jon smiles at her, she smiles back.  "I think we made it." she whispers to him.

"Made it?" he asks her, squeezing her tight, resting his head on her.  

"Right here.  We made it right here, right where we're supposed to be." she slides her arms around his waist, squeezing him back.  

"In our bedroom?" he laughs, "We're supposed to be right here, in our room?"

Beth slides her hand down the contour of his butt, pinching the skin, unable to grab any 'fat.'  "You know what I mean, but there's no place that I'd rather be than right here with you, our kiddies tucked into bed."

With his lips on her forehead he reaffirms, "I told you that we'd get here, it just took longer than I thought it would."

"I know."

"But we finally have our life back and we can now do things as a family without looking over our shoulders."

Beth rests her head on his chest and takes a cleansing deep breath, "You know, there were times that I thought we would never get here.  There were times that I wanted to give up and walk away and just let them do what ever they wanted to do to me."

"I'm glad that you didn't, and I know that it's not been easy - but I can promise you that the life we are about to embark on will make it all worth it.  As harsh as that may seem."

"Harsh?" she questions.

His hands slide up to her shoulders, gently he rubs her and reminds her, "We lost a lot to get here and I in no way minimize that loss, but we had to go through that to get here."

Quietly Beth agrees, "Yeah, I know."  

With the coolness that he exudes without even trying, Jon cups her face in his hand and softly kisses her lips.  At first, he's gentle and compassionate but as she responds, as her kisses build with him, he loses the compassion and takes it right to passion.  He has the love of his life in his hands and to him, that makes him king.  

The love that they make was very much unlike the sex that they have had over the last few months.  Beth could tell, she could feel the stress leave their 
bodies as they made love.  For the first time in a very long time they were able to be a happily married couple with a strong and healthy family.  They were able to be husband and wife, sharing their marital bed without pending doom looming over their heads.


"Mommy....mommy....."  Beth hears as she starts to come to.  

"Mommy, mommy......."  she hears it in stereo, the twins making their way up onto the bed.  "Daddy, get up."  Jon Spencer squeals.  

Jon peeks through slit eyelids and can't help but smile when he sees the twins with their Halloween candy in their hands, "Whoa, who gave you that?"  The proud father asks as he starts to sit up.

Beth, unwilling to open her eyes mumbles, "What do they have?"  

"Just their score from last night."  he informs her, swooping both toddlers off their feet and into his arms, "No candy before breakfast."  

Beth looks over at the clock on Jon's dresser.  Seeing that it's 7:00am she rolls over and asks her babies, "What are you doing up so early?"  Her lips are greeted by Jon's.

"Good Morning."  he whispers to her, "How did you sleep?"

Beth hoists herself up on her elbows and leans over to kiss her children, "Morning you two."

Brianna stands up and starts to jump, "Mommy, mommy get up."

Jon Spencer follows her lead and starts to jump up and down too.  Jon sees the opportunity and slides out of bed, after sliding his jeans onto his naked body. 

Jon heads down stairs and starts the coffee, Halloween candy in hand.  Beth hangs out with the twins, until they get bored with her and trot off to find their candy.  Once they're out of sight she drags her butt out of bed and pulls on a robe.  When she makes her way to the kitchen, she sees Jon standing over the stove, with what she sees as a valiant attempt to make breakfast.  

Egg shells in the sink, empty milk carton on the counter, an empty pancake mix box on the floor - she can only smile.  He tries to flip a pancake and it slides off the spatula onto the floor, "DAMNIT!" he yells, startling her.

"Want me to do that?" she asks through the laughter, "Some things you can't do babe, and cooking isn't one of them."  She walks into him, kissing his cheek and taking the spatula from his hand.

"I got this."  he playfully argues, "It's pancakes, how tough can it be?"

"By the looks of this kitchen, it's pretty tough for you."

"Were are the twins?"  Jon looks over her shoulder.  "I managed to make a couple before it all went to hell."  He cracks her on the ass, "I'll go find 'em.

Jon struts off to find the twins that he can hear toward the back of the house.  Beth remains in the kitchen and prepares breakfast for her family.  

The entire family, with the exception of Stephanie and Jesse gather around the patio table to enjoy a fall morning.  As they ate they talked and acted silly.  Much of the silliness was instigated by Pete, knowing the the twins would play along.  Jacob and Romeo laughed at how dilly the twins were being.

Beth reaches over and rubs Jon's arm, "What's next?"

He looks at her a little confused by the question, "Next, what do you mean?"

"Well, all good things must come to an end.  So, what's next?"  her fingers lace within his, "I know that this is too good to be true.  What's on the schedule?"  That' been a question that's been looming in Beth's head.  She's wanted to ask, she's needed to know - but she was afraid of the answer.  She knows that he's been writing and recording, she knows that he's getting antsy.  

"There isn't anything on the schedule."

"You know what I mean."

"Seriously, I have nothing planned - other than maybe some writing when Richie comes to town."

"How many songs are recorded?" she winks at him, knowing that he needs to go, he needs to tour - he needs to do what he loves to do.  She married him, she married it and the drive that he has.  "Do you have a release date in mind?"

He shakes his head no, "Babe, I have nothing planned.  We have no release date, hell, we aren't even recording for an album per say.  We're just jammed and had fun like we used to."

Beth knows better.  Beth has been with him long enough to know.  And she's been with him long enough to know that he may not know what he's going to do - but he's a creature of habit - he's a creature with drive and a creature that can't stay in one place for very long.