Saturday, August 16, 2014

Chapter 66 - Make Me Feel It

As they pull into the vineyard, Beth can't help but notice that the place is dark from the road.  The Evergreen's that line the long driveway hide the vineyard, but Beth can tell that it's darker than normal.  Making their way back to the hotel and the house, she says to Jon, "Does it seem dark, kind of quiet to you?"

Jon looks over at her and shakes his head no.  "The hotel is lit up, the only thing that's dark is the house and the store."  He looks at his watch, "It's closed now babe, it's 7pm.  And Gloria is probably running around the hotel, that's why the house is dark." 

"Yeah, maybe." she replies as she unfastens her seatbelt and starts to gather her things.  Tossing her iPhone and her iPad into her pocketbook, "Let's check in and then I want to take a walk."

"Ok." he replies, bringing the Cadillac to a stop near the entrance of her beautiful, yet small piece of paradise.  "We have the suite." he reminds her.

"We are the only ones that will ever have that suite too.  When I designed it, I designed it with you in mind." she winks at him, as she slides out of the passenger seat, standing to fix her clothes.  She hikes her bag over her shoulder and says to Jon, across the roof of the car, "Should we eat?"

"Let's get unpacked and then we'll eat.  I want to call home and see how everything is first."

They meet at the front of the car, her hand goes around his waist and his slides his up over her shoulder.  Together they walk in, and anyone that sees them will know that they are in love.

They walk into the hotel and they can see that the place is pretty quiet.  The typical buzz about the place wasn't the same and Beth mentions it to Jon, "Why is it so quiet?" she looks around, seeing the usual staff in their proper positions, but guests were few and far between. 

"It's the middle of the week and kids are getting ready to go back to school.  Plus, the season is just about over." he reminds her. 

"Yeah, you're right." she giggles.

At the front desk, they walk up and surprise Gloria.  She turns around at the sound of the familiar voices and smiles, "Hey guys!"  she shoots out from around the desk and hugs the two of them.

"Hi Gloria."  Beth says, to her trusted and loyal friend, "How have you been?"

"Good, good.  It's so nice to see you two."

"Likewise."  Jon says, hugging the lady that kept Beth grounded and helped her along the way.  Jon loved her for that and was forever in debted to her for her kindness and friendship that she has shown Beth, and his family when they were out there. 

"Your suite is already, I personally took your towels from the house and brought them in.  I also brought over the health and beauty stuff that you left here, as I know this was an unplanned trip."  Gloria tells them as she scoots back behind the counter and keys their key fob. 

They are 'checked in' and ready to head up to the suite when Beth stops and asks Gloria, "How business?"

Gloria tells Beth, "Business has been great, why?"

"It seems quiet and dark.  Is it just me?" Beth wonders, "It just seems so dead."

"Business has been great.  Are you not getting the reports that I email?"

Beth nods her head, "Yeah, yeah.  But I have to admit that I don't look at them.  Jon will tell me when I need money."  she reaches over and pinches Jon's lips.  "Won't you baby?"

He laughs at that, "You know I will.  I'm not paying your bills."  he takes Beth by the hand and says to Gloria, "Thank you for everything.  We're going to unpack and then we will be down to eat."  And they disappear around the corner to the elevator. 

Jon lets Beth unlock the door and walk in first. He knows what she's going to find because he called ahead and planned it with Gloria. 

When she sees what Gloria has done with the suite, she can't contain her surprise.  He hands go to her mouth and Jon can hear a small gasp, "Oh my God.  Jon, this is amazing."

He walks up behind her, his arms slide around her waist, he nuzzles the back of her neck and whispers, "I wish I could have done more, but I didn't have time."  She turns around, her arms wrap around his neck.

She stands on her tippy toes and gently kisses his lips, "It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it." he kisses her lips.

"I love it.  When did you set this up?" she asks him, with her head resting on his chest, her hold on him getting tighter. 

"I emailed Gloria yesterday."

"Thank you."  she whispers, "I love it."

1 comment:

  1. Ggggrrrrr! What did Jon have done to the suite????

    Thanks Jons now I'm going to wonder until next chapter.....

